As a Communication scholar interested in strategic message designs that encourage attention, retention, and persuasion, I aim to use the research I am passionate about to inform my teaching practice. I strive to leverage educational scholarship to identify the most effective means to give my students the tools to understand the influence of messages, take advantage of communication frameworks, and employ this material outside of the classroom. As an instructor, I seek to make course content tangible, meaningful, and memorable by connecting communication frameworks and my students’ lived experiences.
Teaching Experience
Instructor of Record
- COMM 3050 Persuasion*, Clemson University, Fall 2024
- COMM 3080 Public Communication and Popular Culture*, Clemson University, Fall 2024
- COMM 394 Junior Writing Seminar: Dissecting Sticky Messages*, Northwestern University, Spring 2024, Winter 2023, Spring 2022
- COMM 102 Public Speaking*, Northwestern University, Winter 2024
Teaching Assistant
- MSC 523 Graduate Masters Thesis, Northwestern University, Assisted in Course Design and Planning, Fall 2023 - Spring 2024
- MSC 523 Applied Research Capstone Course, Northwestern University, Summer 2020, Fall 2022 - Spring 2023
- HLTH COMM 469 Health Misinformation, Northwestern University, Summer 2021, Summer 2022
- COMM 261 Introduction to Strategic Communication, Northwestern University, Discussion Section Lead & Teaching Assistant, Fall 2021
- HLTH COMM 430 Changing Health Behavior, Northwestern University, Spring 2020
Teaching Leadership & Involvement
Formative Feedback Partner, Fall 2022 — Spring 2024
- Provide feedback to current Northwestern University faculty through a) small group analysis in which qualitative and quantitative responses are prompted from current students and b) teaching observations followed by personalized feedback on teaching techniques
Graduate Teaching Assistant Workshop Instructor, Fall 2022— Spring 2024
Diversity and Inclusion Workshop
Presentation: “Teaching for Humans”
Diversity and Inclusion Workshop
Presentation: “Teaching for Humans”
- Workshop series instructor to provide incoming NU graduate students with recommendations and evidence-based teaching practices using self-designed presentations and materials. This presentation focused on strategies to implement DEI and UDL principles in the classroom.
Searle Teaching-As-Research (STAR), Winter 2023 - Spring 2023
- Participated in the Searle Teaching-As-Research (STAR) initiative to develop expertise in educational pedagogy and research. STAR scholars develop research questions, select research methods and measures, implement evidence-based teaching practices, collect data, and reflect on research findings to identify effective means to improve student learning outcomes.
Research and Teaching Training
Courses & Practicums
- University of Michigan, Qualitative Methods in Public Health Practice, 8/31/23 - 9/31/2023
- University of Michigan, Community-Based Participatory Research: A Partnership Approach for Public Health, 7/31/23 - 7/31/2023
- The University of New South Wales (UNSW), Learning to Teach Online, MOOC, 8/1/23 - 9/15/23
- National Institute of Health (NIH), Sexual & Gender Minority Health Research Summer Intensive Series, 6/12/2023 - 7/31/2023
- Northwestern University, Mentored Discussions of Teaching Practicum, 1/05/2023 - 3/23/2023
- Northwestern University, Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Practicum: Addressing Evolving Needs with Universal Design for Learning, 10/17/2022 - 11/4/2022
Pedagogy Workshops
- Active Learning Activities & Methods for Your Course, 11/7/2022
- Facilitating Discussions in the Social Sciences, 2/23/2022
- Feedback that Matters: Responding to Student Writing in the Humanities, 2/1/2022
- Providing Meaningful Feedback on Student Work, 12/7/2021
- A Practical Look at Difficult Conversations in Academia and Beyond, 12/1/2021
- Tools for Teaching Critical Thinking & Analysis Skills, 5/4/2021
- Transforming the Traditional Lecture into an Engaged Learning Tool, 4/28/2021
- Preparing for and Navigating Student Evaluation, 4/23/2021
- Teaching as Professionalization, Crafting an Agenda, 1/31/2020